Saturday, June 18, 2011

Where Are The Pictures

I know many of you have been probably wondering - Where are all the pictures? We want to see what's been going on up there? Well rest assured, there are pictures and plenty of them. The bandwidth on the connection is limited and the camp also has to pay extra when they exceed their data limit. Since pictures are larger files, I chose not to post any photos while up here.
I will go back and update the post with photos. Lots and lots of photos. Please check next week for more updates.

Affirmation Night - Now we head home

WOW!!! Last night we had one of the most powerful affirmation nights I've ever experienced here!
Miracles happened last night - Lives were changed. All of the missionaries here were built up by one another to continue fighting the good fight for Christ.

We are getting ready to head back home now. Please continue to pray for all of the missionary teams traveling back home today - Northstar Church - VA (Bob Bowen's team), Howard Creek Church - NC (Scott Woodring's team), The Crossings at Birchwood - AK (Howard Gober's team), Abundant Life Church - OR (Greg Wallace's team) and your very own Christ Community Church team.

We Love You all, thank for you for heartfelt prayers - we could not have made it without them!

Bath House Project update

Hi Everyone,
Quick update -- yesterday (Friday) was a busy day. Despite being very tired, the Lord gave us a second and even a third wind to make a significant accomplishment. The bath house is completely Under Roof - Praise Jesus!! Now the building is covered and dry. Another team will be here in August to finish the interior of the building. And prayerfully, the new bath house will be ready for use next camp season. This building will allow for the camp to operational year round. The completion of the bath house is a major milestone for Kokrine Hills Bible Camp and because the camp will be available year round to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ, more children and families will come here and experience the love of Christ.
Please continue to pray for the ministry efforts happening at Kokrine Hills even after this team returns home.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Down time at camp

Last night Ashley and I got smoked in cornhole against a couple of guys from Bob Bowen's team Joe and Dave. Dave was able to do amazing things with that corn bag. At times we thought he had a laser homing beacon in the hole. It was a lot of fun being able to fellowship and have some down time.

Most of the nights, we've been playing cards and spending time talking.

Devotion Time & The Hike Up The Hill

Wednesday night was incredible -- For starters, Laurie and Ashley gave their testimonies. WOW God's Holy Spirit was really moving and touching the hearts of Laurie and Ashley as well as everyone in the camp. I was so proud to see how they allowed themselves to be transparent to everyone with the hope that their story would touch someone here.

Then later that night, we hiked to the second ridge behind the camp. We sang corny songs along the trail like "Going on a bear hunt" and "Bear Necessities". It was a lot of fun! When we reached the top, we prayed. We ALL felt so much closer to God - It was simply incredible! We got back to camp around 1:30 am -- it was bright as the noontime sun! I wish you all back home could experience the transformations happening here! God is truly at work at Kokrine Hills Bible Camp.

Updates from Kokrine Hills

I know its been a few days since my last update. But as you may imagine, we've been very busy around here. Well, let's see -- where should I begin..... At Camp, Roger says there are two missions here. One is fellowship and the other are the projects.
Mission #1 - It is truly a wonderful thing to see bonds of unity forming amongst our team. I have witnessed how we have willingly served one another, how we have humbled ourselves for the cause of Christ, how we have intentionally reached out to one another to carry our brother's or sister's burdens. I believe God is truly working many miracles in lives of this team. Miracles that will allow them to grow in Christ and be better equipped to serve Him in the mission field to reach those who don't know Jesus.
Mission #2 - The bath house is coming along well. On Wednesday, the concrete slab for the boiler room was complete. Yesterday Laurie, David and I insulated (yes insulation -- just call me itchy) the basement and main bath house level. Boy, did that bring back memories from last year's project. Ashley, Meredith and I applied sealant to the basketball court -- It looks wonderful. Frank and Laurie built a railing for porch of cabin #11. Ashley has been keeping us well fed with ginger snap cookies; she actually came up with a new recipe for them. She used molasses and honey because she didn't know there was a difference between them -- But that didn't matter to us they were simply yummy yummy yummy. And Chuck has been in his element -- driving the loader and chopping trees -- So that leave the question of how much wood would a Big Chuck chuck if a Big Chuck could chuck wood? Well -- Big Chuck can chuck a lot of wood!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Day 2 Update

Yesterday, God held the rain back enough for us to get the site prepared and compacted. Praise Jesus! We next had to lay the forms and place the rebar. David told me to put all of my P90X training to use start bending the rebar for the slab. Now, not wanting to show off I decided to use the bucket on the front loader than to bend it with hands ;-). Frank and I cut and formed some 50 rods of rebar.
Also, God gave Tarek the idea to build a tent with saw horses, roof truss, and some siding over the slab site to allow it to stay dry -- And as of this morning -- the site stayed dry over night; which was good because ..... Well, it rained. Anyway, the rest of the site was prepared and today we are ready to mix and pour concrete.

Other updates, Ashley and Ms Viki (AK) has been keeping us well fed. Ashley has been baking us cookies with lots and lots of butter, butter and well more butter. They are sooooooo good.

Chuck and Meredith, did one of the most important jobs for when the kids are here. They cleared and downed trees to make the area safe! Thank you two - that is hard and very necessary work.

Well, it is breakfast time. I will try to update and add some pictures later.

Please keep praying for our team!